We have the good fortune to live right on a fault... that is if you're a geologist. Home owners might have another opinion. If you're going to live on a fault though, our Green Valley Fault is one of the better ones. Here's what geologists say: "Probability for one or more magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquakes from 2003 to 2032 (is) 4 %. No major earthquakes have been recorded on the fault."
Many of you drive right by the fault daily and don't recognize it (picture below). It's about half way between Green Valley Road and Rockville Park exposed on the hillside. There is an excellent write-up and pictures by geologist Andrew Alden here.
There's also a nice interactive map here which tallies earthquakes around our area daily, so if you're a worrier, this is the place.
-Fault on Rockville Rd.-