First Time Member or Renew Your Membership

Join the organization that is dedicated to preserving the quality of life you have come to enjoy in Green Valley.    GLVA is committed to preserving the beautiful, rural character of Green Valley for you and future generations.

You can print this page and complete the information below and mail to GVLA.

Dues are $50 per year, per household.  Dues are renewable every October.

Please complete the information below:



City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: _________________________________________________________________________

Mobile Phone: _________________________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________________

Please Check Appropriate Line Below:

___   I am a new member of the GVLA

___   I am renewing my membership with GVLA

Make Check Payable to GVLA and Remit to:


4160 Suisun Valley Road, #E240

Fairfield, CA94534-4027

Thank you so much!  Look for news and announcements from GVLA keeping you informed of the latest happenings in Green Valley.